Tuesday, August 14, 2007


My roommates came up with a sweet idea for a sitcom, and they recruited me to help flush it out.

It's called: Freezer Room

It's about: 3 Guys move into an upscale 3-Bedroom apartment in the city, despite not being able to afford it.

Because they can't even afford air conditioning, the guys elect to build a freezer room in one of the bedrooms.

To further get of debt, and to be fair, they all move into a tri-bunk bed and sublease the remaining room to TV's Kevin Sorbo.

Movie Idea...

How about a shot-for-shot remake of Teen Wolf.

This time, however, instead of a teen coming to grips with being a werewolf, it centers around a young adolescent Klingon coming to terms with living in a human world.

It shall be aptly titled: Teen Worf

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hey, remember 2005?

Me neither.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I feel intimidated/threatened by girls I find attractive, because I know they have got something on me. Need to find a way to compensate/flip this fact into an advantage. ("Going gay" is out of the question, as is misogyny.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

When/If I grow up

I want to be a famous actor like Brad Pitt or George Clooney or even Bruce Willis or Sly Stallone.

Not for the money,

Nor the Fame,

Nor the women (of which I'm sure there are many),

But for this one simple reason: You can put yourself into the most bad ass roles imaginable.

It's been a while since I've seen any of them playing anything but the coolest motherfuckers you've ever seen in a feature film.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Newark => New York

I deleted the Live! From Newark! blog. Turns out the most clever part was the title. The videos weren't funny. And we didn't have a cable to transfer them to the computer anyway.

New York was fun, although I now know that it would be impossible for me to uproot myself and move out there without some sort of job, nice apartment, and a couple friends.

There was lots of downtime.

Here's a post I made when I first went out.

Aside from that...um, they are in love with Snapple out there. The Snapple to Coke machine ratio is roughly 1 to 2.

Also, for every Bohemian-dressed Urbana kid, there are 10,000 in New York. Either tons of people listen to indie pop out there or that's just how they dress.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Just a heads up...

If I ever made it into the film industry, and that's a big if, as I'm not even aspiring to, there's a few off-kilter ideas I intend to make cinematic masterpieces out of. I really would attempt to stir the pot in Hollywood. Here's my ideas:

1.) I want to make a Bond-type movie, where a really sweet badass agent does awesome shit with all sorts of explosions. You know how they usually have him do something really stupendous to set him up as a hero in the first ten minutes? Yeah, well during that part, I'm going to kill him off. Then the whole rest of the movie will be about evil winning out over good. No upside. Everybody leaves the theater depressed.

2.) I want to take the helm of a Superhero franchise, say Batman or something, and completely deconstruct the character. Like, he'll sill be the hero and save lives and stuff, but on the side he'll also molest children or dismember people or something, I'm totally cool with the person who gets the franchise after me completely ignoring my film as part of the canon.

3.) Have a really well written, dramatic movie, and only use the first take of each scene. If lighting is off, whatever, it goes to print. If the actors flub on the first take, it still goes to film. And if they mess up a name, I write in a part where the person who's name gets messed up goes and has their name legally changed.It will be a testament to everyone's abilities if it goes off well... or if they don't.

Of course Hollywood would most likely reject all three of these ideas, so I'd need to be a superhuge bigshot. But like I said, I am cerainly not actively pursuing that aspiration. But if you see one of these things on film, it means I've done it, somehow I pitched the idea, and it passed. Go me.