Monday, May 7, 2007

Just a heads up...

If I ever made it into the film industry, and that's a big if, as I'm not even aspiring to, there's a few off-kilter ideas I intend to make cinematic masterpieces out of. I really would attempt to stir the pot in Hollywood. Here's my ideas:

1.) I want to make a Bond-type movie, where a really sweet badass agent does awesome shit with all sorts of explosions. You know how they usually have him do something really stupendous to set him up as a hero in the first ten minutes? Yeah, well during that part, I'm going to kill him off. Then the whole rest of the movie will be about evil winning out over good. No upside. Everybody leaves the theater depressed.

2.) I want to take the helm of a Superhero franchise, say Batman or something, and completely deconstruct the character. Like, he'll sill be the hero and save lives and stuff, but on the side he'll also molest children or dismember people or something, I'm totally cool with the person who gets the franchise after me completely ignoring my film as part of the canon.

3.) Have a really well written, dramatic movie, and only use the first take of each scene. If lighting is off, whatever, it goes to print. If the actors flub on the first take, it still goes to film. And if they mess up a name, I write in a part where the person who's name gets messed up goes and has their name legally changed.It will be a testament to everyone's abilities if it goes off well... or if they don't.

Of course Hollywood would most likely reject all three of these ideas, so I'd need to be a superhuge bigshot. But like I said, I am cerainly not actively pursuing that aspiration. But if you see one of these things on film, it means I've done it, somehow I pitched the idea, and it passed. Go me.

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