Monday, April 9, 2007

An Open Letter to My Future Self

Dear Future Kevin,

What up dawg? (That's the popular greeting in 2007) How's life been treating me? I hope good. Things are going pretty good on my side of the temporal spectrum. I'm writing because there are some things you need to know, rather, remember.

I wanted to be somebody. I hope I still do. Or better yet, I hope I'm that body right now. Yeah, in fact, you better be successful by now, or at least on the road to it. Cuz if not, I'm going to be pissed. You had big dreams, aspirations, and if you haven't followed through on one of them, well then, you're just a no good failure.

Kill yourself.

I'm serious man. You better be a writer. Or something sweet. You better have a hot wife and some sweet kid(s). If not, cash in your chips, cut your losses and get out of this world, as I'm sure it's crowded enough by now.

Hey, remember college? I hope you remember me as the coolest kid ever, cuz I'm not actually, but time has a way of altering memories.

But yeah, the future must be sweet, I mean, it's the fucking FUTURE! Do they have jetpacks yet? Hotels on the moon? Have they found a way to send messages back in time?

I can only hope the world has advanced according to Gene Roddenberry's predictions. If so, screw writer, I want you on the course for Starship Captain (but I'd settle for lieutenant).

Say hi to your kid(s) for me; slap your hot wife on the ass and say "feels like it did in 2010", chicks still digg compliments, right?

Hasta La Vista, Baby
Kevin M. Wowsh

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