Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thoughts on Lost

Watching Lost regularly, I try to avoid the hype or "the experience" as much as possible. There's no sense wasting additional hours on a television show that you can't even trust the writers on. For instance, didn't Charlie conquer his fear of death last week? And of course, the foot. A sketch from the guys at Olde English embody how I feel.

That said, I do have some predictions. They aren't based on any advanced search, like I said, I don't partake in the online cryptology. I really just want to have these posted for braggin right if any come true. I wanna be able to say "told you so" if anything is correct.

First: John will join the others, if he is not indeed one already. He wants so much to belong.

Second: Desmond is an agent of the others. His clever visions of Charlie's death may be something more. For instance, the tagged bird he grabbed, what if it was island domesticated? His gunshots to scare off the birds was to scare off the actual migrating birds that could have carried the message. The domesticated bird is not fearful in the hands of humans, and will take Claire's message all the way to the other island, and no further.

Third: And this is the big one. I hope someone else has formulated this theory before, as it should be obvious.

Jack's Dad is the Leader of the others.

He has intertwined with a large amount of backstories of folks from the crash so far. Also, they never found his body in the coffin. What if it was a ploy to get Jack to Australia, to get him on board Oceanic Flight 815, to get him to the island. The "visions" Jack sees of his father are actually real.

Anyway, that's what I'm thinking thus far. Let's see if one day I can say "I told You so." Either way, I really want them to address that foot statue.

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